The Wyoming State Penitentiary
The Wyoming State Penitentiary now a historical site, was a running facility from 1901 to 1981. Now known as The Wyoming Frontier Prison, sits in the small town of Rawlins, Wyoming.

Back story
The prison opened its doors in December of 1901 and only consisted of 104 cells. The first Cell Block to host these cells was Cell Block A, and had no electricity or running water, with little heat to keep the inmates warm during the winter months.
Due to the constant concern of overcrowding 32 additional cells were added to the west end of Cell Block A in 1904.
In 1950 Cell Block B was established with more efficient heating and included cells for solitary confinement. 28 years later the original cell block had running water.
Cell Block C, also known as Maximum Security, was not built until 1966 and had 36 additional cells and was used for only serious offenses.
Discipline was done in many ways in the prison, inmates would be strapped to a pole and whipped with a rubber hose, put in a dungeon or depending on the punishment could be put in solitary confinement but that didn’t mean it was always in a comfy cell.
On Sundays the inmates were given the option to choose between Church or punishment. Most of the inmates chose not to attend Church as they didn’t much feel like sitting in a chapel and preached to about their sins. If they chose not to go to Church, they were punished by being put in the dungeon.
Needless to say soon after the repeat punishments of being put in the dungeon Church on Sundays didn’t sound so bad after all.
The “Old Hole” Solitary Confinement
From 1930-1955, another form of solitary confinement was a cell called the “hole”.
Depending on the punishment you were put in a cell large enough to be able to sit, stretch and curl up in the fetal position if you wanted to sleep or you were put in the smallest of the two cells that barely had enough room to sit with your legs stretched out but more like sitting with your knees to your chest.
The door to the “hole” was blacked out with no light to let in. Inmates were fed through a hole in the door that if they were lucky, was the only piece of light they would see.

The Gallows
Invented by a man named James P. Julian in 1892. Julian’s theory was that the condemned would automatically hang themselves just by placing their own weight on a trap door that was held up by a 4×4 piece of wood.
The wood was joined together in two places then pressed down on a spring. The spring held down a valve which would allow water to run to a can that was propped up on a cross arm.
Eventually the weight of the condemned would press down on the wood causing a chain reaction starting with the spring, which would release the valve allowing the water to run to a can/bucket, it would then release a counterweight that would then release another weight knocking the 4×4 piece of wood from the trap door and the condemned would fall to their death.

Gas Chamber
The gas chamber was created with a chair in the middle of the chamber that the inmate was strapped to and pipes that were under the chair that would release the hydrocyanic acid gas. Once the gas was released and then neutralized the chamber vents were opened and the remaining neutralized gas was then released into the open air.
Two doctors would be sitting in another room connected to the chamber. Once the gas was released, they would then open a small hole in the gas chamber and stick two stethoscopes through to verify death.

Death House
The prison would eventually build a death house consisting of 6 cells in a block having 3 cells on each side, to house inmates on death row.
If the inmate wanted to get out for some exercise they would be allowed to exit their cell and walk a few steps in front of them to a space just within the cell block that was large enough for them to be able to pace back and forth or maybe do a few pushups or even sit-ups.
The death house became the permanent home for the Julien Gallows and had the addition of the gas chamber as well.
Women in prison
During the prisons operation only 11 women were housed and were separated from the men. They were placed in the upstairs portion of the prison. Later the women would be transferred out due to overpopulation and only the men would remain.
Our Visits
These two pictures were taken a year apart in the same cell block window. In 2021 it looks like there might be a face in the window, along with a dark mass just below the head that looks like an arm and a shoulder.
We have looked at these pictures over and over again. And although they were taken with two different cameras it is still distinct that there might just be something in the window of the first picture.
What do you think?

July of 2021 we had the opportunity to stop and take a tour of the Penitentiary on our way home from a visit with family in Idaho.
We were the last tour of the day and were able to take a little more time when walking through the cell blocks. Below are a few of our pictures and videos from our tour in 2021, tell us what you think and let us know if you find anything that we may not have already seen and pointed out.
This picture below is taken as we were leaving the “Library” Cell, it is a freeze frame captured at 35secs. (before editing) into the video I did not catch this as the time but afterwards when we got home and we were watching the video and I saw that it just flew by. We cannot debunk this as a fly or any other bug, however that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t. Even though we did not see many if any, insects as we had our tour that day it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t. But you would think that it would show more detail on the freeze frame if it was a bug, don’t you think?
What are your thoughts. Watch this in the video below and let us know what you think it could be. I’ve seen many orbs before however I’ve never seen a colorful one. I still think it’s pretty cool. You will find this in the Video below.

These freeze frames in the shower rooms in Cell Block A. The frames are in sequence as the orb was passing just at the bottom of the beam. You can see it as it’s entering the shot and then as it gets closer to the bottom of the beam.

These freeze frames are in another cell block, and honestly do not remember what cell block this was. You can see the orb manifest in the bottom of the screen in the first shot and then looks as though it moves through the cell towards the sink.
And crazy things happen when you’re editing videos, come to find out that these orbs are actually two different orbs in the first two pictures. We just happen to catch them singly when we did the freeze frames, but when you watch the video you will be able to see the orbs somewhat seem to appear either at the same time or withing seconds of each other.
Crazy! You have to watch the video below as you can see the one that is in the middle of the screen in the second frame will go sharp right and the orb at the bottom in the first frame goes towards the back of the cell.
Now, again you always see things when you are editing videos. The orb in the third frame is in fact a third orb that manifests behind me as I’m filming and shoots forward and disappears into the sink. –Trista–
When we caught these in the freeze frames we honestly thought they were one orb.
Watch the video and let us know what you think

After video editing

In September of 2022 we had the pleasure of returning to one of our favorite haunted spots. This year we were the first tour of the day so even though we were not able to spend as much time in the cell blocks as the previous year we definitely had a different experience.
The vibe was a little off and seemed like an irritable energy was around. You would think this of our tour in 2021 as we were the last one of the day that year so you would assume the energy would be more irritable due to all the tours that day.
However this year there was just something about the energy that was off. So even though we didn’t get anything on film like we did last year, it was still a great tour.
Below are our pictures from our visit, let us know if you see anything!
This picture is in the same cell block as in 2021 with the three orbs and the sink. As you can see in this picture we did get any orbs this time.

Ghost Adventures has done an episode on this very same location. Check out the episode in Season 8 episode 11. You can watch Ghost Adventures on Discovery+ or the Travel Channel.
Have you visited this historic site? Do you have stories or pictures you’d like to share with us?
Feel free to drop us a line and share your experiences at The Wyoming Frontier Prison
Check out these other Haunted sites.
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Spirits Food and Booze
Spirits Food and Booze was created with love, and ideas from each one of us. We love to share our ideas, crafts, recipes, fun times, and experiences. We are amateur ghost hunters, foodies, crafters, and all around enjoy having a good time. We hope you enjoy our site and come back for more!