Tag: Full Moon

Snow Moon 0 (0)

The Snow Moon is February’s full moon and got the name for the amount of snow fall that occurs. In the U.S. typically February is considered the snowiest month according to National Weather Service. The February full Moon is also known as the Hungry Moon by most Native Americans....

Things To Know About Crystals 0 (0)

The use of crystals and their powers date back to as far as 400 BC. They were said to be used in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, India, Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. Throughout history crystals were viewed as symbols of purity, pleasure, faith and perfection, and used as a...

First Full Moon of the New Year 0 (0)

The First Full Moon of the New Year is named after the Wolves, but also has different meanings for different cultures. Wolf Moon The Farmer’s Almanac calls the first full moon of the year The Wolf Moon. This moon usually falls sometime in the month of January to ring...