Tag: Breakfast

Grandmother’s Buttermilk Pancakes 0 (0)

This recipe comes all the way up north from the great state of Montana. Grandmother’s Buttermilk Pancakes is a recipe from my Uncle Guy’s Grandmother and is a tradition they carrier on to this day. Here is the story behind Grandmother’s Buttermilk Pancakes. This is my husband’s grandmother’s recipe....

Autumn Equinox 0 (0)

There are two Equinox a year, Spring and Autumn, these represent the seasons of change. The Autumn Equinox is fast approaching, the farmers are getting ready to harvest their last crop of the year, the children have begun their continued learning as school is back in session, and we...

Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal 0 (0)

This hot breakfast is great for those cool Fall mornings, with the aroma of pumpkin spice filling the air, the Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal baking in the warm oven while the coffee is brewing. A great dish for those Pumpkin Spice lovers out there! Looking for other Autumn idea’s, check...

Rainbow Pancakes 0 (0)

Something beautiful always happens after a rainstorm, a big bright Rainbow appears high in the sky. As a kid or maybe even as an adult we always look for the pot of gold at the end of a Rainbow. Well now you can have your very own Rainbow first...

GF Baked Blueberry Donuts 0 (0)

GF baked blueberry donuts are a simple and healthy breakfast. These tasteful donuts are sure to cure that weekend sweet tooth first thing in the morning. Bake these donuts, brew some coffee and enjoy the best weekend breakfast out on the deck. This post contains affiliate links. As an...