Category: Cookies

Lucky Charms Marshmallow Cookies 0 (0)

These lucky cookies as simple and easy to make. Fun for kids and adults, Lucky Charms Marshmallow Cookies will bring out the Irish spirit in everyone! We used our all-time favorite soft sugar cookie recipe and added a little Irish luck to them. Back in the day you used...

Valentines Dipped Oreo Pucks 5 (1)

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Find our full disclosure here. We can’t thank you enough for your support in making our dreams come true and allowing us to share our adventures, recipes, and stories...

Mint Chocolate Chip Sugar Cookies 0 (0)

Mint Chocolate Chip Sugar Cookies are the best dessert combo. With Mint Chocolate Chip and Sugar Cookies you can’t go wrong. These mint-colored sugar cookies will be a great treat for any party or perfect for St. Patrick’s Day. Check out these other great St. Patrick’s Day recipes. Looking...

Hot Cocoa Cookies 0 (0)

Winter is the best time of year for hot cocoa, and these Hot Cocoa Cookies are just as good as a warm cup of hot cocoa. Hot Cocoa Cookies are great to have around the holidays topped with crushed candy canes, they taste just like a peppermint mocha. As...

Cookie Witch Hats 0 (0)

No Halloween party is complete until you have as many themed treats and drinks you can think of. These Cookie Witch Hats are an easy treat with just 3 ingredients and only takes 5 minutes to make. So simple even the kids will enjoy making them. Also a great...

Autumn Equinox 0 (0)

There are two Equinox a year, Spring and Autumn, these represent the seasons of change. The Autumn Equinox is fast approaching, the farmers are getting ready to harvest their last crop of the year, the children have begun their continued learning as school is back in session, and we...

Fruit Pizza Cookie 0 (0)

A different take on the all-time classic dinner, pizza. This dessert is great for all occasions, simple to make and so colorful. This fruit pizza cookie will be such a hit even the kids will want to eat it. This cookie can be made year-round with so many creative...

Soft Sugar Cookies from Scratch 0 (0)

We all have our favorite cookie recipes, and sometimes we just don’t have time to make those recipes, so we fall back on the pre-made cookie dough from the grocery store. Sure, those are great for a quick cookie fix don’t get me wrong. But when it comes to...

Everything Red, White & Blue 0 (0)

Independence Day, 4th of July, July 4th, it does not matter how you say it. We gather for this occasion once a year to celebrate the day of Independence, when the Declaration was signed in 1776. However this is not the only day we celebrate with Red, White and...

American Flag Fruit Pizza Dessert 0 (0)

A Patriotic take on the fruit pizza dessert. This festive dessert will be flying off the dessert table while the fireworks are lighting up the sky. The American Flag Fruit Pizza Dessert is a large cookie with cream cheese frosting and decorated with berries to look just like the...