Category: Crystals

Empath Spray 0 (0)

Empath Spray shields and protects you from the energies of others around you. The spray acts as a shield to protect you from absorbing negative energy and emotions from those around you. Empaths and highly-sensitive people can feel energy and emotions from those around them, causing them to have...

Autumn Equinox 0 (0)

There are two Equinox a year, Spring and Autumn, these represent the seasons of change. The Autumn Equinox is fast approaching, the farmers are getting ready to harvest their last crop of the year, the children have begun their continued learning as school is back in session, and we...

Autumn Equinox Crystal Grid 0 (0)

Celebrating the changing of seasons with an Autumn Equinox Crystal Grid is one of the many ways to celebrate the coming of Fall. The Autumn Equinox can be celebrated by anyone who enjoys the seasons of change. No matter your religious background you can always celebrate the seasons of...

Himalayan Salt Lamps 0 (0)

Himalayan Salt lamps are carved salt crystals from the Himalayan mountains, and made with a hole for a light. The lamps are known to aide with many health issues including asthma, allergies, and mental stability. Some of this logic is hear say, other beliefs are holistic. Some benefits of...

Rose Quartz 0 (0)

This Pink Crystal is the stone of unconditional Love. The Rose Quartz Crystal can aid in self-love as well as increase the love between partners. When placed in the bedroom it can give extra energy of love. It has a strong connection with the 2nd Chakra and will bring...

Things To Know About Crystals 0 (0)

The use of crystals and their powers date back to as far as 400 BC. They were said to be used in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, India, Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. Throughout history crystals were viewed as symbols of purity, pleasure, faith and perfection, and used as a...